© Sou Matsuzawa
エルサレム形のない図書館 - The Jerusalem Library of Intangibles
2019年10月24日 - 2020年9月30日
AYUMIGALLERY GARDENではイスラエルでもっとも影響力のあるデザインイベント『エルサレム・デザイン・ウィーク』より、ギャラリー前庭にエルサレムと東京をつなぐインスタレーションを設置し、憩い場として約10ヶ月間解放する建築プロジェクト「エルサレム形のない図書館」を開催中です。インスタレーションはイスラエルの若手建築家Lila ChaitayatとDaniel Zarhyによりデザインされました。
Si hortum in bibliotheca habes, nihil deerit.
ここでは、エルサレムに見られる典型的な円屋根(旧市街だけでも2048ヵ所もある)は、新たに解釈されています。: 頑強な円屋根ではなく、その特徴的なシルエットを形作るポールで建てられた、架空の円屋根になっています。それぞれのポールは、街に刻まれた豊かな瞬間、色、状況、そして物語を表現しています。
プロジェクト特設サイト https://libraryofintangibles.com/
クリエーター:リラハ・シタヤット| STUDIO LinC + STUDIOPEZ
サウンド:エマニュエル・ ヴィツトゥム
スポンサー : エルサレム遺産省、エルサレム開発庁、駐日イスラエル大使館、ハンセンハウス(エルサレムデザインウィーク)
The Jerusalem Library of Intangibles
24 October 2019 - 30 September 2020
The Jerusalem Library of Intangibles is an architectural project made open to public as a resting place for ten months by setting up an installation, connecting Jerusalem and Tokyo, from the most influential design event in Israel "Jerusalem Design Week". The designed by young Israeli architects Lila Chaitayat and Daniel Zarhy.
Si hortum in bibliotheca habes, nihil deerit.
“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need”. Cicero
The garden in which you stand was designed by the late Kiichi Suzuki an architect and world traveler who was on a constant quest to capture and share moments of countless places around the world. In easter of 1981 he visited Jerusalem. The domes of the city alongside the festive spirit marked a strong impression upon him.
Jerusalem, one of the oldest cities dating back thousands of years, is a vibrant, inspiring and complex city. Time is set in a different way, letting the past echo into the future. Every stone and layer of the city, carries an abundance of stories and memories which all blend into extraordinary daily encounters and colorful situations.
We imagine the installation as a library – an experiment to capture the essence of a place. A place not only for acquiring knowledge but for experiencing a remote and diverse culture. An opportunity to take a glimpse of the kaleidoscopical moments of this extraordinary city. Here one can find time and space- specific situations, moments, languages, traditions and sounds spread around the garden and under the tree of the Ayumi Gallery.
Using QR scans, visitors are invited to unveil and experience a fraction of the city, and its intangible qualities: from smells of plants, to local sounds, spoken stories and rituals. The map of Jerusalem is scaled into the garden letting each QR reveal a site specific & moment in time according to its real location: moments from the east are situated in the east side of the garden, moments from the west will be found in the west.
The Ayumi Gallery garden is transformed into a living dome of cultural richness.
The typical Jerusalem dome (appearing 2048 times only in the old city of Jerusalem alone) is re-interpreted: from a solid dome it becomes an ephemeral one, built from a series of poles creating its distinct silhouette. Each pole represents the abundance of moments, colors, situations and stories the city carries.
Please feel free to wander inside the installation, sit under the tree, meditate with sounds of the city and collect moments of Jerusalem.
Over the upcoming seasons different events will take place around the garden installation. Stay tuned.
Project site https://libraryofintangibles.com/
This project is sponsored by the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, the Jerusalem Development Authority and the Embassy of Israel, Japan.
Produced in collaboration with the Hansen House – Jerusalem, As part of the Jerusalem Design Week.
Creators: Lila Chitayat | STUDIO LinC + STUDIOPEZ
Collaboration with: Nariyuki Kishi, Ayumi Suzuki, Arieh Rosen – Embassy of Israel, Japan.
Sound: Emmanuel Witzthum
Photography Artist: Eitan Witkon
Constructed by: Okaken Koji Co., Ltd.